Meraki Hair Lounge is a multi use space. The 4 walls that hold our salon also hold a safe space for our community to grow in wellness. We are currently focusing on the youth of the community and offering them ways to cope with the stressors of todays world that have become overwhelming in the year 2020. All workshops and clinics are held socially distanced using masks for everyone’s comfort and safety.

Meraki Hair Lounge was born from the vision of a space that was built for stylists and mentored them. The beauty industry has fallen short in many ways for many stylists and beauty professionals and not many make it past year two in a system that doesn’t take care of them. Meraki was built with the notion that we can be CEO’s of our own businesses and feel just as valued as an individual with a Masters Degree or PhD. I want the stylists who work in my space to feel like it’s a sacred part of their day, a place that honors their time and their talent and gives them safety and peace.